Corvinus Universität - Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem: Fakultät für Gartenbau


Die ORGANICagriculTOUR - Partner an der Corvinus Universität 

Am Department of Ecological and Sustainable Production Systems unterstützen uns Andrea Tóbiás und László Csambalik. Sie bereiten nicht nur unseren Aufenthalt in Budapest mit vor, sie helfen uns auch tatkräftig bei der Organisation der TOUR in ganz Ungarn.

Wir haben sie um ein kurzes Statement über sich und ihr Engagement für die ORGANICagriculTOUR gebeten.

Andrea Tobias

Andrea Tóbiás:

I am a PhD student of the Department of Ecological and Sustainable Production Systems. My main research field is organic seed treatment methods. We are interested in ecological farming and everyting that is connected to it. We think that the supporters of ecological agriculture have to cooperate. It is also important because of the next generation, so really important to educate it.


Laszlo Csambalik

László Csambalik:

I work in the Department of Ecological and Sustainable Production Systems as a horticultural engineer. My main tasks are translating horticultural texts for different tenders and helping in education. Supposedly, I will begin my PhD studies in September. I think the ORGANICagriculTOUR is an important mission for sharing our experiences and knowledge with each other. Students should also be involved in this topic, because the future of the Earth is in their hands.
By the way, it  will be interesting to see the way of development, and the probable future of Hungarian organic agriculture. The contrast will be huge, but hopefully it will inspire us to do our best. So the ORGANICagriculTOUR is welcome in Hungary, in Budapest.


Der Projekttag an der Corvinus Universität am 03. April 2007

Vorläufiges Programm:

Introduction to the OagTOUR – students promote organic agriculture (team members, objective, history, first tour) Presentation of the time table


Presentation of organic agriculture in Germany and Europe (principles, structure, future development)


Presentation of an organic farm in Germany


Presentation about organic agriculture in Hungary

by NN (representative of an organic farmer association)


Group formation of workshop groups and introduction

  • a)       Planning a campaign for organic agriculture –  experiences from the ORGANICagriculTOUR
  • b)       Organic agriculture – world wide networks and perspectives
  • c)       Graphic arts workshop – posters and postcards
  • d)    Theatre group – environmental street theatre


    Presentation of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences at Witzenhausen: international courses, scholarships, exchange programs, and study place


    Movie clippings with discussion

    • a)     topic: Genetic engineering   or 
    • b)   topic: Food growing and production