Team der 4. Tour


Anne Koch - Studentin



Christine Hubenthal - Studentin




Julia Pschera - Studentin  


Jan-Henrik Cors - Student





Daniela Schwarz - Projektinitiatorin

Koordinatorin Internationale Studienangelegenheiten

International Study Affairs
Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences
University of Kassel










MSc Holger Mittelstraß














Prof. Dr. Oliver Hensel

Fachgebietsleiter Agrartechnik






Anne Koch

"I want to share my knowledge and motivation about organic agriculture by meeting and discussing with other students and young people. To me this is a very interesting way to get to know many different points of view and to spread out the idea of organic agriculture. Eastern Europe is fascinating me and organic agriculture shows a very dynamic and interesting development there. I'm really looking forward to learn more about the situation of life and agriculture there."


Christine Hubenthal

"I want to go for the ORGANICagriculTOUR because I feel very important to inform others about subjects that I consider as relevant. In my opinion organic farming can show us the way for a lot of solutions and it is necessary that many intelligent heads research about this issue. That's why the idea to go to agricultural universities of countries where organic farming is not yet fan out so much seems very interesting to me."



Julia Pschera

"I consider this project a great opportunity to discuss organic agriculture with other students in their home country. This may result in a fruitful partnership between university at Witzenhausen and those in East European countries."

Jan-Henrik Cors

"I am really fascinated by the group project.
It is a great opportunity to lay out alternative ways of working with soil for students with different backgrounds.
As a group I hope we can raise some questions and make people interested in organic agriculture."

Daniela Schwarz: "Die ORGANICagriculTOUR wird junge Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammenbringen, um sich für die Verbreitung der ökologischen Landwirtschaft in Europa und der ganzen Welt gemeinsam einzusetzen."


MSc Holger Mittelstraß:

"Die ORGANICagriculTOUR erfüllt viele Voraussetzungen für ein gutes Projekt: Studierende engagieren sich kreativ im Team für eine gute Sache, Ökologische Landwirtschaft, und lernen neben dem Anwenden von fachlichem Wissen Fremdsprachenkompetenzen, Organisationsfähigkeiten, Teamarbeit und Marketing. Ich wünsche der TOUR viel Erfolg!"
 Prof. Dr. Oliver Hensel: "..und das ist nicht nur gut für den Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften und die Universität Kassel, sondern auch für den Standort Witzenhausen und den Ökolandbau allgemein."